All about Poland
· Naturalistic Fallacy [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy] Moore argues that "goodness" is a foundational and unanalyzable property, similar to the foundational notion of "yellowness," and is not capable of being explained in terms of anything more basic. We intuitively recognize goodness when we see it, as we similarly recognize yellowness when we see it. But the notion of "goodness" itself cannot be defined.
· Of the pathetic fallacy by John Ruskin (1856) They rowed her in across the rolling foam- The cruel, crawling foam. The foam is not cruel, neither does it crawl. The state of mind which attributes to it these characters of a living creature is one in which the reason is unhinged by grief. All violent feelings have the same effect. They produce in us a falseness in all our impressions of external things, which I would generally characterize as the 'Pathetic Fallacy'.
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We may try statistics e.g. everyone in the world vote on 'something' (e.g. fallacy, logic, pepsi) being 'good' or 'bad', and then we could say with probability of p 'something' is good. However, personal definition of 'good' changes over time for an individual (by observation). If everyone retake the poll every second and we recalculate the distribution, we could be sure with margin of subseconds of our results. But some people may lie, so our result is only as good as what people voted. In any case, for the interest of correctness we may need to make statements such as "this statement is a fallacy, fallacy is apparently bad with this probability distribution 5 hours ago, I am at this point of the distribution, tell me where you are in this distribution, and if you are minority, maybe I can try peer pressure on you :)"
· Get that Camel's Nose out of the Tent! they must use the tools of scholarship that have been made available to them. But they must do so remembering that many of those tools were produced, not by Bible believing scholars, but by liberal enemies of the true faith. St. Paul said, "Evil communications corrupt good manners," (1 Cor. 15)
· Apostasy Now Article - Midrash: The Camel's Nose the Bedouin parable goes: if the camel is allowed to stick his nose in the tent, before long, the whole camel will be in the tent.
· The Sorrows of Young Wladek-19th August 1996 Then Finny is ignorant of the true facts of the case.
· The Sorrows of Young Wladek-19th August 1996 Autism, so the geopolitiques tell us (yes, and mean it for about the five seconds between joke and punchline, and if they?re French, censor 35% of it) is caused by such continuous selling of the soul in our deals with convention. And if you have a Cambridge education, you?re usually going to go on to be the kind of bloke and chick that delights in making faces look vacant and detached. Migrant faces especially. If you can?t even understand yourself, then God help you understanding and emphasising with the Other. Geopolitical autism is when the Devil calls and calls. It can be the opportunity knock but who wants to answer on charity?
· WebRing: community WebRing is a community oriented service, and we are doing our best to keep it that way. We feel that the best way to grow and support the community is to work with you, the community, to ensure that your needs and wishes are the topmost priority. To meet this objective we ask for your assistance and participation.
· Polski WEB w Detroit-Paszporty Co to jest - Polonia? Po pierwsze, nie wiadomo wlasciwie, co to ta Polonia jest. Nie ma jednolitej definicji, która przy pomocy ostrych kryteriów pozwalalaby kogos do Polonii zaliczyc, a kogos innego z jej szeregów wykluczyc. Intuicyjnie zaliczamy do Polonii dawnych emigrantów, którzy od lat mieszkaja i pracuja za granica, niezaleznie od powodów, które sklonily ich badz zmusily do wyjazdu i osiedlenia sie daleko od Polski. Za Polonie uznaje sie takze tych obywateli obcych panstw, których rodzice, a nawet – dziadkowie zamieszkali z dala od kraju.
· Welcome to Cafe Poland, Izabela!
There are 201 members, though only about 10 or so who post regularly. There are 5 or 6 founders. A few months ago we had a big controversy about whether to speak Polish or English (with a smattering of other languages). We eventually decided to go bi-lingual, even though the vast majority of the messages are in English.
· Fire the Bastards! by Jack Green posing as "the reader" instead of "i" is a trick to pretend modesty while assuming an undeserved impersonal authority he means his opinion as a mere human being or mine or yours or anyones is sneerable at but after "the reader" is hired by Authority, paid a few measly bucks for a few spotty hours reading, "the reader" becomes god? objective? full of rich status? or still the same idiot, playing it safe
· The Misanthropic Bitch The Misanthropic Bitch does not encourage feedback. You are not as clever, witty or hate-filled as you think you are. All submissions, though, become property of The Misanthropic Bitch. Submissions may be published or reused in any other medium. Think before you hit send.
· All Base Are
· Personality Disorder Test - Personality Test
· Polski WEB w Detroit-Paszporty
· iB::Paszportowy Szantaz
· iB::Topic::Podwojny obywatel trzymany w Polsce
· The Digital Café
· Galicia, historic region, Poland and Ukraine
With the first partition of Poland (1772) most of the region passed to Austria, which made it a crownland with the capital at Lviv (Lemberg) and named it Galicia. Austria enlarged its holdings with the third Polish partition (1795) and again in 1815.
· Galicia It is drained by the upper Dnestr, the upper Vistula, and the San, which divides Galicia into the western (Polish) and the eastern (Ukrainian) parts. The Polish section (area 13,226 sq mi/34,255 sq km) covers Rzeszów and the larger part of Kraków provinces; the Ukrainian section (area 19,106 sq mi/49,485 sq km) includes Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk and Tarnopol oblasts.
· CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Tarnow By the Third Partition of Poland in 1795, Cracow too fell to Austria, whereupon it was considered advisable after the death of the second bishop (1801) to divide the See of Tarnow between Cracow and Przemysl. By the Peace of Vienna in 1809 Austria was obliged to relinquish western Galicia and with it Cracow, both assigned to the Duchy of Warsaw. The Diocese of Tarnow thereupon came under Lemberg, whose bishop gave the management of it to the prior of Alt Sandek as his vicar-general. In the Congress of Vienna, Austria once more incorporated the Kingdom of Galicia. The Emperor Francis in 1822 gave Tarnow another bishop, Gregorius Thomas Ziegler. He had been a Benedictine at Wiblingen, but was at that time professor of dogma at Vienna. He established his residence in the former Benedictine monastery of Tyniec. This, however, was too near Cracow, and Ziegler removed thence to Bochnia and finally in 1826 back to Tarnow. There are to-day in this diocese 809,000 Catholics; 379 secular priests; 72 male religious and 340 nuns.
· Read Comments at Polish Live Journal COMMUNITYSimply asking for it - all you had to do was to ask Steal code - steal by lurking...
· Read Comments The lack of such tells you about a level of computer literacy of founder/owner/censor/etc. and gives you rough idea, how rough the moderation of it it's gonna be ;) and how much of netiquette's culture will be applied instead of blissful subjectivity of people in charge
· Introduction to Café POLAND fallacies So, people really should shut up before seeing an exhibition ...
· namesdropping + easel seniority Rumi didn't found dervishes- he was introduced to it by Shamsuddin of Tabriz. The only similarity between Rumi and St. Francis of Assisi and Anthony de Mello is


· tactics for superfaithful updating discussion account after officially ugly news from Vatican

  • "I've tried to be positive here, rather than flame"
    Try again. Harder this time.
  • "If you just accuse me of being "worse ""
  • And on top of it you have the nerve to say: "I didn't say *worse*; you continually put words in opposing debators' mouths, and I wish you wouldn't. "
    <-- Did I quote you there at all? I don't think so. The mention of putting words CONTINUALLY yet in opposing etc etc is quite sleek though. Congratulations.
  • "Why should I want to burn something I don't want to share? I'm not the Taliban"
  • "If you want scandal to be the basis of debate, I'll go out and look for examples of sex scandals among the IRReligious. Shouldn't be too difficult"
  • "What moral compulsion should I feel to avoid criticising such 'an exhibition' without having seen it? I have the right to call it what I want without seeing it. "
    Call me pretty then ;) You have the right.
  • "If I understand your powerful metaphor correctly, I've had guys like you, and you're bad news."
    That makes you automatic winner! Bravooo!
  • "Something seems to be getting under your skin here.
    " Whos? Mine or yours? I predicted all of above before anything happened and didn't expect anything less. People ARE predictable. Furthermore... errr.. is already disgusting enough